Shop Online For Your Marine Ladders and Safety Nets Requirements

If you are in the marine business where you are transporting cargo loads and passengers from one place to another you would know the importance of a marine pilot ladder. It is a rope ladder which is an enhanced form of pilot ladder, which helps pilots to embark on the ship from the dock.

Cargo vessels especially use the ladder to climb up and climb down from the ship. The marine pilot ladder is manufactured according to the specifications provided by the international regulations laid down by the SOLAS rules.

The ladder is thoroughly and carefully checked before use or before a voyage as it concerns the safety of pilots who navigate the ships. The ladder could measure up to 10 meters depending on the height of the vessel they are boarding.

The pilot ladder installation is carefully planned before boarding and it will also require man-ropes, accommodation ladders, and platforms at each boarding place.  You can buy these items from online stores that keep stock of all top manufacturing or brands and it will be cheaper to buy from online stores.

What is the importance safety net in gangways?

Gangway nets are safety accessories that protect passengers or workers walking on the bridge between the dock and a ship. Gangways are passageways for climbing into a ship and as per maritime rules, they should be fortified with nets on the side so no passenger or marine workers slip down through the side.

The protective net ensures that they are safely transported from the ground to the ship and vice versa. It is mandatory for all gangways and ladders used outside the ship to have netting on the side or there is the danger of someone falling down the side through gaps between the ladder ropes. The gangway safety net is installed from the top to bottom of the gangway and is secured along the length of the gangway. 

What is the use of a core drill?

Core drill machine is used in underground exploration projects where you are drilling for water or ore depending on the area and purpose. It takes out chunks of material from underground in cylindrical shapes and allows researchers or scientists to have the best samples for their research.

The metal core drills are called annular cutters and they can be truck mounted. If you require any of the above accessories for your maritime and mining operations you can trust Al Mashal Marine Services, Dubai, to supply the highest quality accessories. Call phone number +97142446972 or send mail to to order top-quality maritime accessories.


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